Emilia Zulmira Nhalevilo


É Reitora da Universidade Púnguè com sede na província de Manica e uma Extensão na província de Tete.

Emília Nhalevilo iniciou a carreira de professora na Escola secundária Francisco Manyanga em Maputo em 1987. Em 1995 ingressou como docente na Universidade Pedagógica leccionando as cadeiras de Didácticas de Química, História de Química e Métodos de Investigação Científica.

Emilia Nhalevilo que é PhD em Educação Científica pela Curtin University of Technology, Austrália, tem mais de trinta publicações científicas.


Academic Qualifications

2007: PhD, Curtin University of Technology Western Australia. Thesis title: Developing Culturally Inclusive Philosophy of Science Teacher Education in Mozambique.

2002: Master in Science Education, Curtin University of Technology Western Australia, Thesis title: Rethinking Science Teacher Education in Mozambique.

1994: Licenciatura,  Pedagogical University, Mozambique. Thesis title: Historic Facts in Chemistry Classes.

1986: Bachelor in Science Education, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique.

Individual Certificates of Recognition

  • 2019: Distinguished contribution in research management attributed by Department of Science and Innovation (South Africa) and SARIMA;
  • 2017: Certificate of Excellence in research attributed by the Universidade Pedagogica;
  • 2015: Certificate of appreciation from the Southern African Development Community (SADC), SARIMA and the Department of Science and Technology (South Africa) and the Southern Africa Research, Management and Innovation Association for contributions to research and innovation management;
  • 2012: Certificate of merit attributed by the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane for valuable contributions for the development of higher education in Mozambique;
  • 2011: Certificate of merit attributed by the Ministry of Science and Technology for valuable contributions for the development of ethnobotanics in Mozambique.

Collective Certificates of Recognition

  • 2014: ‘Prémio Reitor’ for the category of Research Center (attributed by the Vice-chancellor for the excellent performance during 2013);
  • 2016: Prémio Reitor’ for the category of Research Center (attributed by the Vice-chancellor for the excellent performance during 2015).

Professional Occupation

Current Main Occupation and Position:

Associate Professor, Pedagogical University, Maputo, Mozambique;

Rector, Pungue University.

Previous Professional Occupation and Positions:

2018-2019: Rector’s advisor for Research and Extension;

2010-2018:Director, Center for Mozambican Studies and Ethnoscience;

2008-2010: Deputy Director of the Center for Mozambican Studies and Ethnocience;

2007- 2008: Head of Chemistry Department, Pedagogical University;

2005-2007: Lecturer – Curtin University of Technology Western Australia;

1986-1994: High School Science Teacher.

Postdoctoral and Sabbaticals

2017 Fulbright scholar: University of New York;

2009-2011 Postdoctoral fellow: University of Western Cape.

Other professional Activities

External examiner for doctoral theses: (i) University of Pretória, South Africa (ii) Curtin University of Technology, Australia (iii) University of Witwatersrand, South Africa (iv) Durban University of Technology, South Africa (v) University of Free States, South Africa (vi) University of Western Cape, South Africa, (vii) Murdoch University, Australia, (viii) Kathmandu University, Nepal, (ix) Rhodes University, South Africa.

External examiner for master theses: (i) University of Botswana, (ii) University of Western Cape, (iii) Rhodes University, South Africa.
